recent poems in online journals // poemas recientes en revistas 

Jorgenrique Adoum in The Seedings, poesía en acción, Poetry Daily

Juan Calzadilla in Asymptote

Don Mee Choi in Vallejo & Co.

Antonio Gamoneda in poesía en acción, Poetry Daily, Plume Poetry

Fina García Marruz in The Offing, Waxwing, Tupelo Quarterly

Raúl Gómez Jattin in Words Without Borders, Burning House Press, Anmly

Johannes Göransson in Buenos Aires Poetry, Vallejo & Co.

Juan Gelman in Poems and Poetics

Víctor Rodríguez Núñez in Asymptote, EuropeNow, Petra, Poetry, Punch Magazine, the Punch Magazine, Seedings, Tupelo Quarterly, the Whale

New Cuban Poetry from Generation Zero in the Kenyon Review

New Honduran poetry in Tupelo Quarterly and Spoon River Poetry Review